
News in English

Anger over Trumps gun remarks / Brazil Senate votes for Rousseff trial / UN calls for ceasefire in Aleppo / Iraq hospital fire kills 11 babies / Abuse allegations at Australia asylum center / Deadly wildfires in Madeira / Phelps wins more Olympic gold / The Weather

Anger over Trumps gun remarks

In the United States the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has sparked new controversy by appearing to suggest that his supporters could stop his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton by exercising their gun rights. Trump made the unscripted remark while speaking at a rally in North Carolina:“Hillary wants to abolish… essentially abolish the Second Amendment. By the way… and if she gets to pick… if she gets to pick her judges… nothing you can do folks. Although the Second Amendment people… maybe there is… I don’t know.” Democrats and even some Republicans have condemned Trump’s comment – saying it was tantamount to encouraging the assassination of Clinton. Trump and his team say the comment has been misinterpreted by the media.

Brazil Senate votes for Rousseff trial

More than two thirds of the Brazilian Senate has voted in favour of proceeding with the impeachment trial of the suspended president Dilma Rousseff. She’s accused of spending money without congressional approval and of taking out unauthorised loans from state banks to boost the national budget ahead of the 2014 election. Rouseff accuses the interim president, her former running mate Michel Temer, of orchestrating a political coup against her.

UN calls for ceasefire in Aleppo

Intense fighting is continuing in the Syrian city of Aleppo between rebels and government. Fears are growing for civilians caught in the cross-fire as food and medical supplies run out. The United Nation has called for an urgent cease-fire in the city.

Iraq hospital fire kills 11 babies

At least 11 premature babies have been killed in a fire at a hospital in Iraq's capital, Baghdad. Iraq’s Health Ministry says the fire was probably caused by an electrical fault.

Abuse allegations at Australia asylum center

Britain’s Guardian newspaper has published details of routine abuse at an Australian detention center for asylum seekers on the Pacific island of Nauru. Australia outsources the processing of asylum seekers who arrive in Australia by boat to two privately run facilities - one on Nauru and another on Manus Island in Papua New Guinea. Guardian reporter Paul Farrell led the investigation and says half the abuses involve children: There are the most horrific incidents you could possible read there of children under the age of 10 being sexually assaulted. It’s just heart-wrenching accounts that you see throughout these reports.”

Deadly wildfires in Madeira

Three people are now known to have died in wildfires that have advanced upon Funchal, the capital of the Portuguese island of Madeira. A thousand people have evacuated from homes and hotels.

Phelps wins more Olympic gold

The most successful Olympic competitor of all-time, the swimmer Michael Phelps of the United States, has won two more gold medals to add to his tally in Rio. Phelps now has a total of 21 gold medals from four separate Games.

The Weather

The heavy rain will slowly taper off but it will remain cloudy and cool for this time of year. Top temperatures are ranging from only 11C to 19C.
