
News in English

Syria truce is „largely holding“ / Obama to rally support for Clinton / Jean Asselborn wants EU to suspend Hungary / Syrians arrested in Germany linked to Paris attacks / Austrian MPs to vote on new presidential election date / Turkey formally requests Gulen´s extradition / The weather


Syria truce is „largely holding“

Reports from Syria suggest the cessation of hostilities that came into effect at sunset on Monday is largely holding. The tentative truce was agreed on Friday in Geneva after months of talks between Russia and the United States. It also requires access for humanitarian aid to besieged areas. The US Secretary of State John Kerry appealed to all sides to honour the cease-fire: "We believe the only realistic and possible solution to this conflict is ultimately a political outcome. I urge all the parties to support it because it may be the last chance that one has to save a united Syria."

Obama to rally support for Clinton

The US President Barack Obama will hit the campaign trail today to rally support for Hillary Clinton. The Democratic presidential nominee is taking time off from campaigning after being diagnosed with pneumonia. Clinton says she'll release further medical records in an effort to ease concerns about her health, after she was seen stumbling at a 9/11 memorial ceremony in New York at the weekend.

Jean Asselborn wants EU to suspend Hungary

Luxembourg's foreign minister Jean Asselborn has called for Hungry to be suspended from the European Union. He made the call in an interview with Die Welt newspaper, just days before a summit of EU leaders in the Slovakian capital Bratislava. Asselborn accused the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban of violating the basic values of the EU by restricting press freedom, undermining the impartiality of Hungary's justice system and building fences to keep out refugees.

Syrians arrested in Germany linked to Paris attacks

German police have reportedly arrested three Syrian nationals suspected of being sent to Germany by the Islamic State terror group. The men - aged 17, 18 and 26 - were detained after a series of pre-dawn raids in the states of Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony. They are said to have links to last year´s terror attacks in Paris. Prosecutors suspect the men were in Germany to carry out a mission or to wait for further instructions.

Austrian MPs to vote on new presidential election date

The Austrian Parliament is set to vote today on new legislation, which will pave the way for the presidential election to be held on December 4. The election was due to be held on October 2 but has been postponed because of faulty postal ballots. The ruling coalition, the NEOs and the Greens are supporting the changes, which require a two thirds majority in parliament.

Turkey formally requests Gulen´s extradition

It´s being reported that Turkey has made a formal request to the United States for the arrest of the US-based Turkish cleric Fethullah Gulen on charges of orchestrating an attempted military coup on July 15. Turkey blames members of Gulen's religious movement for the failed coup.

The weather

Mostly sunny, with some thundery showers in the mountains and the south. Highs today from 23 to 31.
