
News in English

Clinton and Trump clash in first debate / Bomb attacks in Dresden / Ground assault against rebels in Aleppo / Amnesty accuses Hungary on refugees / Islamist sentenced over Mali destruction / FARC apologises to victims / The weather


Clinton and Trump clash in first debate

The United States presidential candidates Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump have engaged in fierce exchanges in their first debate. Clinton accused Trump of racism, sexism and tax avoidance, while Trump dismissed Clinton's long years of public service as "bad experience" and said only he had the temperament to be president: “I have much better judgement than she does. There’s no question about that. I also have a much better temperament than she has. You know, I think my strongest asset, maybe by far, is my temperament. I have a winning temperament, I know how to win.” Clinton responded saying Trump as commander in chief would be a security risk to the US. “His cavalier attitude about nuclear weapons is deeply troubling. That is the number one threat we face in the world and it becomes particularly threatening if terrorists ever get their hands on any nuclear material. So a man who can be provoked by a tweet should not have his fingers anywhere near the nuclear codes.” In a survey by Public Policy Polling, 51% of voters said Clinton won the debate, with 40% for Trump.

Bomb attacks in Dresden

German police say a mosque and a conference center have been attacked in two explosions in the city of Dresden. Police said no one has yet claimed responsibility for the attacks but they had to assume a xenophobic motive. Nobody was injured in the explosions.

Ground assault against rebels in Aleppo

In Syria, Russian backed government forces are reported to have launched a major ground assault against rebel fighters in Aleppo in an offensive to capture the entire city. Medical sources in Aleppo are reporting a huge number of casualties from intense aerial bombardment of rebel held areas.

Amnesty accuses Hungary on refugees

Amnesty International has said refugees and migrants are being mistreated in Hungary and its asylum system is intentionally designed to deter them from seeking protection. The rights group also accuses Hungary’s government of deliberately provoking public fear of foreigners, ahead of a referendum on Sunday over European Union plans to resettle refugees among member states.

Islamist sentenced over Mali destruction

The first person to be convicted by the International Criminal Court for cultural destruction, former Islamist rebel Ahmad al-Faqi al-Mahdi from Mali has been sentenced to nine years in prison. He had pleaded guilty to destroying ancient mausoleums in Timbuktu four years ago.

FARC apologises to victims

The leader of Columbia’s largest rebel group, FARC, has apologised to victims of the 52 year war with the government, after signing an historic peace agreement. Leader Rodrigo Londono reaffirmed FARC’s commitment to transform itself into a peaceful political party.

The weather

Increasingly sunny across the country, cloud and thundershowers in the far west. Top temperatures 15 to 23 degrees.
